Does Gene Therapy Work?

Gene Therapy is a medical field that aims at the treatment of a patient with the use of the genetic delivery of DNA-based substances into the patient’s cells for the purpose of fighting disease. Gene Therapy has been introduced in the 1990s by a team of scientists and doctors who were researching the gene-damaging substances that cause cancer and the treatment of their diseases.

The main aim of Gene Therapy is the early detection of unwanted genes in the human cell, so that early detection of these bad genes can allow someone that has these genes that can indicate that an individual may experience a particular disease due to genetically inherited gene, and get early diagnosis of these diseases. The main reason behind this concept is that because of the genetic material that we are born with, the genes that are passed down from our parents and siblings, are the only things that we can depend on to help our bodies with normal functioning.

The concept of gene therapy was initially introduced to the public through the television show “Mysterious Cancer”

The concept of gene therapy was initially introduced to the public through the television show “Mysterious Cancer” that aired on the Oprah network in the late 1990s. This show featured a number of celebrities who appeared on camera to talk about their experiences with gene therapy.

After the exposure of “Mysterious Cancer” and its focus on Gene Therapy, many people started to question the effectiveness of gene therapies because there had not been any conclusive results of these treatments from clinical trials or research studies on humans. The reason being the effects of gene therapies on humans were simply not yet known. It took until about 20 years ago, however, when results of gene therapy treatments began to be documented.

The effectiveness of gene therapy

The effectiveness of gene theraphy treatments has been researched for more than two decades now. Even though genetic testing has been proven invaluable in many potentially life-threatening diseases like heart problems and cancer, as well as harmful drug interactions, in order to understand the exact effectiveness of gene therapies as compared to other forms of diagnosis, ongoing research is still being done.

But genetic testing for cancer, heart, and drug interaction problems has proven to be an excellent testing process to make an early diagnosis of these potential problems. To date, many trials have been conducted in mice, dogs, and people to test the effectiveness of gene therapies. There are now over 100 experiments ongoing, as these trials are still continuing with very exciting results.

Do You Or Any Of Your Family Members, (Children, Grandchildren, Parents, Siblings) Have Any Of The Following Problems?

  • Have Cancer?

  • Have Heart Disease or Pacemaker?

  • Have problems with prescription drug interactions?

  • Regularly take 3 or more prescription medicines?

  • Have any other medical problem you may worry about?

Then you should take our No Cost / No Obligation simple 4 question survey to see if you possibly qualify for genetic testing.

Remember, what you learn could possibly save you or one of your family member’s lives! Take 3 minutes and do the survey. It is No Cost and No Obligation, BUT it could possibly make a lifetime of difference!

Click Here To Take the No Cost / No Obligation Survey Today!

Gene therapy can be used for cancer, heart disease, bad drug interactions and more

Since there have been no reports of negative side effects from the use of gene therapy treatment, many patients who have undergone such treatments claim that they have been cured of their cancers.

Of course, not all people who undergo gene therapy treatments will always have the same results, but it has been established that many people who do experience heredity potential for these problems do benefit from having had genetic testing to determine their likelihood for cancer and as a result, their need to consider potential gene therapy in the future.

Also, in addition to the potential for cancer, if you or someone in your family like a parent, sibling, child, or grandchild has a hereditary propensity for heart disease or potential drug interaction problems, you should consider having a genetic test for these three conditions. For instance, many patients through genetic testing for drug interactions, have averted serious consequences and problems from their genetic makeup for serious reactions to certain drug combinations.

Genetic testing for the heart is also extremely effective in determining if someone has “bad genes” related to potential heart problems. Of course, if you have a family history of cancer, heart, or drug issues, you should take our survey to see if you qualify for genetic testing for any one of these three potentially deadly conditions.

Since gene therapy treatments are used to combat cancerous cells, there is also the possibility that the cancerous cells will mutate and escape from the treatment process into the bloodstream. It has been established that there are times when this can occur, but it has never been proven to happen, due to the high concentration levels of drugs needed to successfully eliminate the cancerous cells. These results have been documented in both animals and in humans, which makes it very unlikely that it will happen to patients as long as the proper dose of the drug is used.

If the gene therapy used is ineffective, the treatments may not work at all. Therefore, many companies that offer gene therapy treatments have taken out trials that allow for a limited amount of money to be refunded to customers who are unsatisfied with the results.

There are some things that you should keep in mind when trying to decide if gene therapy will work for you. First and foremost, there is no guarantee that gene therapy will work for you because it is not possible to predict what gene treatments will work for you. This is due to the fact that every person has a unique genetic makeup that causes different types of cancer. So, there is no “one size fits all” type of gene therapy that will work for every patient.

Conversely, if after taking our genetic testing survey for cancer, heart, and potential drug interactions, you are a candidate for an in-home genetic cheek swab test, once your doctor has reviewed the genetic test results, in consultation with them, you can find out if you are potentially someone that may need to consider gene therapy or some other treatment method for your potentially deadly condition.

Second, since gene therapy can treat cancers that are not considered curable by conventional treatments, it is important that you carefully read all of the information that comes along with the treatment before deciding to go ahead with it. Always ask your doctor for any additional questions that you might have and always get opinions from people who have used the treatment. If you are not sure, then take your time in reading all of the information that comes with the gene therapy treatments. You might just find something that convinces you to try it out.

Lastly, don’t let yourself be swayed by hype from people who are not qualified to give you advice on this matter. As long as you do your research, you should find that the benefits of gene therapy are more than worth the risks.


Preventive Health Service for Heart, Cancer, Drug Interaction Everyone is different

My father died with a heart attack and I have always worried if I am at risk. Genetic testing for potential heart problems gives me a sense of relief to determine my future health issues.

Phillip Paul
Preventive Health Service for Heart, Cancer, Drug Interaction Everyone is different

Multiple members of my family have died from cancer and it has been a real worry for me. With cancer genetic testing I can know my potential risks involving cancer.

Lila Gonzalez
Preventive Health Service for Heart, Cancer, Drug Interaction Everyone is different

My mother had a severe reaction to several drugs she was taking. By utilizing genetic testing for possible drug combinations that could hurt her, her doctor can now make changes to eliminate future problems.

Susan Blackwell

Do You Possibly Have A Health Risk That Could Impact You Or One Of Your Siblings, Children Or Grandchildren? 

You don’t need to wonder or worry. Our very simple four question survey will let you know if you possibly qualify for genetic testing for your personal health status.

All you need to do to eliminate this issue is to provide us with your name and email address, click “Continue With Survey”, and answer two additional questions and learn if you are a candidate for genetic testing.

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